Arise my darling, my beautiful one, and follow Me.

-Song of Songs 2:10

Saturday, December 29, 2012

We Remember

I remember the days of long ago;
I meditate on all Your works
and consider what Your hands have done.
-Psalm 143:5

We remember the blast of breath You released into vast darkness and turned into galaxies, stars, sun and earth. The tender care You took to dig deep the waters and form the forests and the gleam in Your eyes at Your masterpiece- man from dry, lifeless drips of dust and woman from the most tender piece of flesh.

We remember the disappointment in Your heart when we fell, when our disobedience seared Your soul and how we hid, and yet You sought us out.

We remember the roll of Your voice in a burning bush, arms of the Red Sea stretching back to send a path to safety, manna falling like shooting stars to fill stomachs and hope, walls of Jericho crumbling to a victorious heap at heralding trumpets.

We remember Your power in the crashing roll of thunder, Your glory in the white hot light that streaks across the sky. We remember how gentle You are with each petal You place on fragrant flowers.

We remember Your covenant, passed down from prayerful heart to prayerful heart, how You promised to be with Your people, and to walk beside them always.
We remember Your grace and our gore, how corroded and corrupted we became with sin, and how You couldn’t stand to see us stretch so far from You.

We remember that silent night in a stable, where Your Son slipped into the world, pure and precious, poised to trek the long trail placed before Him.

We remember the miracles, the wonders and the teaching, the caring gaze, healing touch and heart that reached down to the deepest hurt. 

We remember the false accusations, the screaming crowds and His quiet strength, speaking only when You moved through His voice.

We remember the verdict. The cross. The day You turned Your face from Him and took our punishment from His shoulders.  

We remember an empty tomb, a risen King, the vast canyon between us bridged. Your mercy drenched us, cleansed us, washed us in the crimson of Christ.

We remember how You couldn’t leave us, so You drew us closer than we could imagine, to wipe the tears from our eyes and set smiles on our lips.
We remember the joy at feeling Your presence, the warmth of Your love and the laughter echoing through Heaven’s hallways.

We remember Your Spirit, flaming through us. We remember Your oath to make us heirs, make us Your children.

We remember Your devotion. We remember YOU.



Father God, thank You that You have lifted us to the heights of Your heart and set us at Your right hand. Throughout history and generations, we remember Your mercies, we remember Your wonders, we remember Your sacrifice that set us right in Your eyes. You have set me apart to live in Your generosity. Thank You for the chance to remember, and rely on, You. Amen.

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