Arise my darling, my beautiful one, and follow Me.

-Song of Songs 2:10

Monday, October 10, 2011

No Longer Proud

Create in me a pure heart,
O God, and renew
A steadfast spirit
Within me.
-Psalm 51:10

The mirror has
tipped in my direction;
I see all that has
blemished my soul.
Rotten, corroding
vanities that dove
into me with delight.
I let them change
my appearance,
my demeanor.
I dared to demand
answers from You.
And when You kept
silent, I raged
at the injustice.
How You must have
laughed at my folly!
For You are
the Beginning
and the End,
the sky that has
no ceiling.
You hold all things
in Your hand and at
a mere whisper
of Your voice
boulders crumble
like ground pebbles.
I am humbled,
my heart no longer proud.
You have spoken,
and I have listened timidly.

I have been considering myself mighty, worthy of Your voice, demanding You to speak on my time, in answers I seek. But You are the Mighty One, the First and the Last, the One who is above all. You hold galaxies in Your hand and toss them to through the blackness to give us stars and planets and life. How dare I deem to right myself before You? Thank You for humbling me, for still loving me when I try to step on Your toes. Teach me to be still and wait for You, and to listen and act when You answer. Amen.

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