Arise my darling, my beautiful one, and follow Me.

-Song of Songs 2:10

Monday, October 24, 2011

Great is Your Faithfulness

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
-Lamentations 3:22-23

My Beloved has been faithful.

When I’ve had no words, He’s filled my mouth with streams of sentences. When I have stumbled in the dark and blanched at the shadows, He’s taken His hand in mine and walked with me through the night. In this maze of a world, He’s straightened my paths and led me to the light. When I’ve voiced my discomfort, He’s listened to my screams, then held me when they transformed into sobs.

He’s seen me in my darkest moments, the thoughts that haunted and threatened to devour my dreams. He has brightened the hopes I harbored and delighted in my shining eyes.

He’s watched me wrestle with leaving my comfort zone to venture into the wild unknown of each day, where I may not know where I am going, but I do know Who is guiding me. And like He does for the sparrows singing outside my window, He provides for me exactly what I need, exactly when I need it.

He is kind and caring. He calls me His one and only. He has led me to His love, into this beautifully terrifying journey that thrills and enchants me.

He is patient when I stray. Gentle when I am stubborn and sees all that I search for in vain. His song is in my heart, His laugh embedded in each line I write. His scent is wound in roses, His eyes entwined in twilight. When I doubt my worth, He holds His mirror in front of me and beckons me to see the girl He falls in love with each morning. He is fair and just, and I am not immune to His corrections. But He refines me; He spins me fine as gold.

I am irrevocably in love. For in the strength of His wings, I have learned to fly.

You are faithful beyond anything I could have imagined. You have swept me up in a whirlwind of wonder. Through the gentle prodding of Your voice I have stood upon the banks of Your love and declared You my portion, My own Beloved. Thank You for this wonderful gift of yourself, within me and around me each waking and dreaming moment of my life. Amen.

This composition marks the one year anniversary of the start of Our Great Romance. Fifty two weeks ago God prompted me to begin chronicling this adventure and draw closer to Him so He could reveal Himself in ways bright and stunning to me that He hadn’t in the past. He has indeed been faithful to me on this journey. He has taught me complete vulnerability, trust, dedication and to listen delicately for the whisper of His voice. He has also shouted in my ear a few dozen times, as well! I am beyond blessed to be where I am today, walking hand in hand with my beloved Lord. Thank you all for sharing these moments with me, and for allowing me to bare my soul to you. May you always feel His sweet and all encompassing love surrounding you.

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