Arise my darling, my beautiful one, and follow Me.

-Song of Songs 2:10

Friday, November 2, 2012

Empty and Alive

The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.
-Luke 24:7

When things are empty, it’s usually not a good sign.
            An empty wallet signifies a lack of money, hardest when bills pile up and income wobbles.
            An empty glass means you’re out of your favorite beverage, or out of a positive outlook.
            An empty brain signals no one’s home upstairs. Usually not good in a school setting.
            An empty room- void of warmth and activity.
            An empty promise is a hard burden to bear.
            An empty heart cries out from the depth of its echo, longing for another soul to smile and let them know they are not alone.
            But an empty tomb… now that is a very good thing.
            A beautiful sign.
            A refreshment to our souls.
            Because an empty tomb means a risen King! Because the stones scraped together could not contain the power and the glory of the One whom was placed behind the boulder three days previous. When the tomb was opened and no one lay inside, a light pierced the hearts of those who turned and saw the Savior standing before them, with a beating heart and mankind’s hope fulfilled.
            A chamber cleansed of death. A new arrival that lifted us to life. A symbol of sadness turned to joy. A bare room, empty and alive. The Son of God, full of flesh. Vibrant. Victorious.
            An empty tomb took us to a place of astonishment, as the impossible turned possible before our eyes and the breath in our hearts cried out, “Hallelujah! He is risen!”

            He is risen, indeed!

You conquered death and the wrath of God for my sake. Not simply for the whole of the earth, but for ME, the tiny one who stumbles and shakes with fear. You have made me victorious through Your scars, so I may stand cleansed in front of the Father. Because of Your triumph, I am Yours. Thank You for this new and enchanting, eternal life! Amen.

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